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Old 10-28-2013, 02:29 PM   #1
MrBrightside's Avatar
Drives: <Waiting for my C7 3LT Z51>
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Dubai
Posts: 26
Paying 88,000 Dollars for my Z51 3LT

Hey guys, I'm new here (and to the Corvette world) and thought I'd share a bit of my bittersweet story here.

Went to the dealer here in Dubai yesterday to place my order and got a bit shocked. They're ONLY bringing 75 cars to the whole country and I'm number 37 on the list. They promised they'd bump me up because I know the regional marketing manager-

And here's the catch: The ONLY options I can choose are exterior/interior colors and brake calipers. Thats it! They're only bringing the top of the line options and the Z51 3LT package- no chance to customize. I've ordered the midnight racing blue with red brake calipers (might change that to black or get them painted gray later) and Brownstone GT seats on the inside. BUT, now I'm confused between Kalahari & Brownstone... FML.

Anyway I'm happy I'll be getting mine soon(ish) but still stings a little to be paying a 20,000+ Dollar premium.

Just thought I'd share this.
I'm new to the 'Vette game but always been a fan. Impatiently waiting for my 2015 Z51 3LT Tiger Shark Grey + Jet Black
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