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Old 06-06-2009, 05:51 PM   #1
jr_hoyt's Avatar
Drives: 2001 Yellow Ford Focus
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Duncan, Oklahoma
Posts: 121
Cool Let me tell you about a dream--a boy's dream...

So, as of 4:30 June 3, 2009, I ordered my new baby (order number NKMNP5). She is a 2LT/RS, sunroof, black leather interior, automatic transmission, and Rally Yellow w/ Black rally stripes.
I ordered her in Richmond, VA, even though I live in OK. I thought it would be fun to fly up to Richmond, get picked up by my brother/sister-in-law in their new Camaro, they'll drive me to the dealer, we'll pick up my new baby, then have a nice weekend... THEN, I'll get to break her in on a very relaxing, totally enjoyable, 24-hour drive back to Oklahoma! It's gonna be A-MA-ZING!!!

June 6, 2009:
So, today my brother, sister-in-law, and I went up to a dealership to test drive a 2LT, Rally Yellow. I rode with my sister-in-law while she went on her drive. I must say, this is probably the MOST COMFORTABLE passenger seat I have EVER rode in. Then, the salesman and I went for a drive around the block, down the interstate, and back to the dealership. I've never driven a car like this before. Words can't explain the feeling I had when I turned her over...

First impressions:
I am 6'4", so I'm used to having to squeeze into cars. I thought that surely this car would be the same. As I slid in, it was a little awkward, but that's partly due to the fact that I didn't want to hurt her, lol! I dropped the seat as low as it would go and had PLENTY of head room (this is a big deal for me!). I slid the seat all the way back, adjusted the mirrors and fired her up. She purred like a kitten! No, there was no grumble that I'm sure the v8 will offer, but it was more than enough for me! As soon as I shifted into drive and came off the ramp it was like I was gliding on air. I had assumed that a car this low to the ground would not have the smoothest, or quietest of rides, but I was amazed. I must say, the indexing window feature REALLY cuts off some wind noise! We pulled up to the stop light and people were pointing gawking, it felt GREAT! When the light turned, I got to goose it a little on the way up the on-ramp. These babies can take off!!!

*edit* I forgot to mention that I actually had to scoot the seat forward while driving. My knees didn't hit the steering wheel either (I know that's a big deal to some people).

All in all, I would say that GM has really done something for themselves by making this vehicle. My test driving experience was much more than impressive! I haven't found anything that I don't like yet, but I'll keep my eyes open. Not in a tacky way, but I think that all of the information that we can provide to others who are still trying to decide, or even those that never had the joy of test driving will be a great help! I can't wait for my baby to get home, it's almost unbearable. I'll keep this thread updated as I continue on my journey!

I've got an album posted in my profile that has pictures from today, but I'll try to copy some of them over and post them in this thread.

My current ride: 2001 Ford Focus, ZX-3, Banana Yellow
My future ride: 2010 2LT, w/ RS, Rally Yellow w/ black rally stripes; Order # NKMNP5

Last edited by jr_hoyt; 06-06-2009 at 06:35 PM.
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