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Old 06-20-2011, 03:19 PM   #18

chozn4service's Avatar
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Bruce's guys at Raymond's did mine about a month ago and I could tell an immediate difference in the quality of the ride. Seems like things smoothed way out, not that it was bad after being lowered but it's a better ride all together! Like it was mentioned, this is the best thing to do to right after ride height has been changed to save any excess wear on the bushings. It makes good sense in that those components were set from the factory with those parts you drove off the lot with, now you've changed those parts and the bushings need to be reset, to allow for adjustment in the changes you've created or made. Thanks for the write up, thanks Bruce and Raymond's and JusticePete for providing info on this some time back on another thread.
Oh yea, I told a buddy of mine who lives in Socal with his lowered Element on Teins and when he went back to Island motors who lowered his car back in 2005, they told him they didn't do it but they could but at this point he wouldn't tell a difference but it'll save some wear. The shop they farm out to, to lower cars said they knew of timing but didn't do it but typically and now, include that in the price of their work when dropping cars now.
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