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Old 10-27-2008, 12:11 PM   #5

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Drives: Camaros................
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Location: Seven Fields, PA (Pittsburgh)
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TRUST ME -- it was a mistype -- I was doing three things at once while on the telephone............

The Proof???

Chapter 1 --

Chapter One:
A period of mourning

“It was not unlike losing a member of the family,” is how Scott Settlemire remembers the telephone call telling him the last Chevrolet Camaro had rolled off the assembly line.

“The last car came off the assembly line at 9:04 a.m. on August twenty-seventh of two thousand and two,” he says. “The reason I know was that I as standing in the parking lot of a funeral home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, burying my favorite uncle who had been a wonderful mentor to me growing up. They had asked us not to come out to the plant because it was a very emotional day for a lot of the people there, but they called me and said, ‘well, it’s done’.”
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