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Old 03-15-2024, 10:47 PM   #11
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I put epoxy down about 10 years ago, and I'll never have a bare concrete garage again. Night and day difference. Not saying Poly isn't better, as I've never done any research on it, but how much better could it possibly be? It's a floor. Just sweep and it's clean. I hose it out once a year or when a big job gets it dirty. It repels brake fluid, so I don't see how much more durable you'd want. Still....not saying poly isn't better. Maybe it's cheaper? Easier to apply?

EDIT* -So I wanted to edit as not to add MORE posts that weren't directly related the the original question, but I DID feel this info may be helpful.

-Polyurea is technically stronger, but it's more about marketing, as both are more than strong enough to handle all but the most abusive types of use. BOTH will fail if not put down properly.
-Poly sets up faster, so it can be less of a hassle for customer and installer, but again marketing as it's a one time inconvenience having to clear out the garage. Poly can be finished in a day, where epoxy takes 2 or 3.
-Poly will not fade due to UV. Once again marketing though, as most epoxy won't see enough UV to make a major difference in color fade or yellowing for many many years, and unless you don't do WORK in your garage, the general wear and tear will show far more than any fading.
-Most poly primers don't give moisture protection like Epoxy. Some do, and sometimes it's not needed. Discuss with your installer.
-Both will fail if not properly installed, and both will be more than you'll ever need if installed correctly. Poly does have less potential for issues, should the floor be put down improperly, but again marketing. Your installer should have no problem installing EITHER primer, and you should have warranty on EITHER type from your installer, should problems arise.

After an hour of research, it does seem as though poly isn't a bad choice. My wife and I are hoping to move into what we hope is our "last" home in the next year or two, and I'll definitely take a good look at poly for my garage floor. That being said, I watched 3 back to back videos where the professional installers all said they preferred poly, but it almost always came down to the time. They can get it done faster, and the customer liked that they can move their belongings back into the garage faster. Most of the other "benefits" weren't really a concern, and didn't largely impact the decision. Anyhow, interesting topic. I put down a DIY epoxy job in my current garage 10 years ago and it's been great. No issues at all. Still, I'll definitely look at poly when the time comes for another floor.

Last edited by Abubaca; 03-16-2024 at 08:20 AM.
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