Thread: Camaro's Future
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Old 03-01-2021, 06:04 AM   #393
Petrol Head
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Originally Posted by MackSteelPrivateEye View Post
Off the top of your head, how many people know if they still make the Malibu, or the Impala? Who knows what they look like from memory? Probably few do or can. That sucks! Terrible branding and marketing. In fact how many people recognize the vehicles by name in the commercial? You know the Vette, maybe the pickup, but the other sh!t is just a passing whim. Marketing sucks. Who here remembers when someone said Impala, Nova, Chevelle, etc...we knew exactly what they looked like and what they were. Even your grandmother knew.
GM had stellar marketing all the way through the 1990s. The "Heartbeat of America" campaign could have gone on forever as far as I'm concerned, it does not get any better for Camaro advertising than that.

In fact, when I bought my car I spent about a half hour trying to figure out how to make that phrase fit into 7 letters for a custom plate and still make sense. Couldn't do it. Settled for a standard issue tag.

Bob Seagar himself was on one of the morning talk shows talking about how he was so proud to have GM use "Like a Rock" for the Silverados..... not because HE made money, but being a native Detroiter he said they analyzed the data from running that campaign and they estimate it contributed to an extra million Silverados being produced in the 20 years they used it. So he said that meant more work for the people on the assembly lines, more jobs, more overtime for those families. THAT'S America. THAT'S what some people with all their "degrees" completely ignore or are too educated to understand.

Funny how the advertising started to royally suck just as the company was diving towards bankruptcy.

Coincidence? Hmmmmmmmm
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