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Old 05-19-2019, 09:32 AM   #8
Rodan's Avatar
Drives: 2018 ZL1 coupe
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Prescott, Arizona
Posts: 589
ZL1, no question. It's a truly fantastic car.

The thing to watch out for is the price drops after the new year. We bought our '18 in November '18, used with 2700 miles, and got a pretty good deal.

Early this year, GM put a bunch of discounts on the '18s, and we took a big depreciation hit as new, leftover 18's were selling for around what we paid.

Camaros depreciate pretty hard, even ZL1s. I would recommend buying a nice, low mile '18 now, as it's already had that hit. If you buy a '19 in the fall, you could experience the same thing we did, with discounts hitting in early 2020. But if you're always waiting for the best deal... well, your always waiting... why not be driving?
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