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Mr. Wyndham 11-03-2008 02:04 PM

GO VOTE!!!!!
I am well aware that I am breaking the no-politics rule I helped establish by doing this.:rolleyes: But...this is important. Now, I'll put a disclaimer on that and say any negative, or aggressive posts made for one candidate or the other will be removed from the thread as it is not my intention to persuade anybody to vote one way or the other. For this thread's purposes, who you vote for is irrelevant.

Voting is the single most important privilege we have in this country. Not many others in this world have the ability to choose their leaders to the extent that we do. And to not throw away this chance to speak your opinion -- is a vast undermining of the system so many people have died to help put in place. If you don't know who to vote for, then either one obviously holds equal status in your mind, so pick randomly if you have to.

I have two things I want to ask everyone here to do tomorrow and wednesday, and then I'll get to the entertainment.;)

#1: Go out and vote. As mentioned above, it is extremely important that you do so -- and I hope you all do (if you can).

#2: Whoever gets elected...please stand behind them. I know who I'm voting for, but if the other wins, than I will 100% stand behind him as our president. Take a look at Bush's ratings, for instance...sometimes I wonder if the problem started in November 2000, when half the country hated him.:iono: So please...if the "other" guy wins, please support him as our president as best you can.

"Together we stand, divided we fall." Do you think everybody standing has to agree?

Thanks for reading, and God bless this country.:flag2:

Now...some mild entertainment.;)

kanakattack 11-03-2008 02:09 PM

Couldn't agree with you more, voted early last week. If you haven't voted yet go out and do so regardless of who you support, exercise your right.

TFord 11-03-2008 02:11 PM

ditto...I dont care who you vote for, as long as your gettin involved and informed
your part of the solution!

FenwickHockey65 11-03-2008 02:11 PM

LOL @ Borat.

Hylton 11-03-2008 02:25 PM

Please don't forget the fact that some people do not have the freedom we do and that 1,000's died for us to be able to practice democracy. VOTE!!!!!

camaro5 11-03-2008 02:39 PM

I voted. Sent in my absentee ballot Thursday.

headpunter 11-03-2008 02:44 PM

i already voted this morning, but plan on voting a couple more times tomorrow democracy

BowtieGuy 11-03-2008 02:49 PM

Voted early Friday. Won't be in my county to vote Tuesday, even though I wanted to. I finally feel like a citizen!


The_Stache 11-03-2008 03:17 PM

Agree totally and whole heartedly...

I stay out of politics discussion but its everyones DUTY to vote... its really the only thing your country ever ASKS of you for all the benefits we all enjoy ..yet many don't fulfill that duty..

lalometalik 11-03-2008 03:29 PM

i will be a first time voter tomorrow. not that i agree 100% with any one candidate, or our way of life for that matter, but because i feel i must take part in this major event.

DGthe3 11-03-2008 07:52 PM

I voted for in our election a few weeks ago. I knew the person I was voting for was going to lose but that doesn't matter, because now I have the right to complain about what they do wrong. If you don't make your voice heard now, don't bother making it heard later.

KILLER74Z28 11-04-2008 06:42 PM

I VOTED today... :headbang:

Mindz 11-04-2008 06:44 PM

Wasn't registered. oh well. Redskins lost so we all know what that means...

The_Blur 11-04-2008 06:53 PM

Before the Bush administration, 652,011 Americans died in battle for their beliefs that this countries basic values merit their sacrifice. If you don't vote, they will haunt you fbodfather-style.
Can you imagine 652k of these?

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