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Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 08:42 PM

Camaro5 Handbook. FAQ's about the website
Okay, this is still a work in progress. Yes there are many errors, but I'm tired of seeing this buried. So here it is. Hope this helps some of you navigate Camaro5!

1.Using the website
2.Searching the forums
3.Making a post
4.Uploading pics
5.Posting a thread
6.Embedding youtube videos
7.Making a signature
8.Reporting a Post or Thread
9. Editing your Avatar
10. Making your Signature Image a Hyperlink

Coming soon

1. tips and tricks
2. making a poll
3. Making an avatar.
4. Linking to posts in the middle of threads.
5. linking to a single post only

and I'm sure I will think of more.

Any thoughts or opinions please post up.

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 08:47 PM

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Let's discuss how to use the website

When you first come to this website via you will be brought to a page like this.

To find your way to the forums, you must click "forums" just like the picture below.

Searching the forums you will find different sub-forums for each aspect of the 5th generation camaro. This will make it easy for you to find the information you are looking for.

Now, after you select a sub-forum you will see a window a lot like the one below.

1. is the "new thread" button. Instructions for this can be found here...

2. Sticky! These threads are always at the top of the page. They usually involve important issues that are hot topics at the time.

3. These are threads that are new, or have just recently been posted in.

EDIT: and yes I do understand that if you have found this thread then you already know this, but ya never know:yikes:

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 08:52 PM

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Searching the Forums

Find the search button at the top of the page. I'm going to take you straight to an advanced search.

Now that we have found the advanced search button, we can begin our search..

Add your search criteria into the box marked "1" And I would suggest using a "thread title" search first. This is displayed by the "2"

Now you must understand that typing an entire sentence into box "1" will net you zero results! Use key words from your subject to find what your looking for.


If you don't find anything in the "thread title" search then switch to the "search entire posts" box. After that, if you still find nothing on your subject, then we we must not have a thread about it. At this point making a new thread instructions can be found here...

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 09:03 PM

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Making a Post and uploading pictures

Using the quick reply method.

The quick reply can be found at the bottom of every page of a thread. It looks like this.

To use the quick reply box simply type your response inside the box, and click the "post quick reply" button.

Obviously the quick reply box is not going to give you a full range of features. If you need more options we can "go advanced"

Using the advanced window

The advanced window has all of the features of the quick reply box and more. Most importantly, the advanced window has the Upload button.

The advanced box has the same simple setup as the quick reply box. Simply type your response in the white space and click "submit reply" To get more advanced, you must use the various buttons on the screen to achieve your goals.

Lets start with the top row. - The remove text formatting button. Highlight the text you wish to return to the default settings, and click this button.

Fonts - Click the arrow, and it will reveal a list of fonts for you to choose from.

Sizes - Click the arrow to select sizes. - Font color button. - Commonly used smileys button - The upload button. Seemingly the most important button to almost every user of Camaro5. I will go into depth with this later on in the page. - Undo and redo buttons, use these when you screw up...And you will screw up.:laugh: - Bold button - Italics button - Underline button - Left align, center, and right align buttons. - Numbered lists and bulleted lists. Rarely used, but really help to clean up a post. - The hyperlink button. Highlight the text you want to turn into a link, click this button, paste in your address...:thumbsup: - Remove Hyperlink button. Guess what this does. - E-mail adress link, use this to make an easy way for people to email you. - Insert image button, completely different from the Upload button. Use this for inserting images from the internet. Simply right click on an image, "copy link location", click this icon, and paste the link. Simple as that. - Essentially quotes selected text.

Using pics in your replies

Using the Upload Icon

The upload Icon can be you worst enemy, or your friend. It is up to you. Patience will get you there. Start off by clicking the icon. By clicking the icon, you will have a window open up that looks like this:

Attachment 100996

This window is easier to use than it looks. Start off with the browse button. This button will open up the files on your Personal Computer. Search for the file on your computer and select it. The next step is extremely crucial for a successful upload. Please read it carefully.

Press the "Upload" button. If you do not press this, and you close the window before you upload your file, your image will fail to upload.

^When you see new data in the box Under "current attachments" Then you have successfully uploaded your pic.

Select close window. Now, there are 2 ways to finish this process.

  1. After you get done typing your reply, select the "post reply" button. This will automatically put your uploaded pics at the end of your post.
  2. Or you can strategically place your uploaded files into your reply by clicking the down arrow beside the This button will bring up a drop down menu with all of your uploaded files in it. Simply select the file you want to insert into your reply.
At this point click "submit reply" And to your surprise, the pic will be uploaded exactly where you want it.:happyanim:

Using the "insert Image" button

Extremely simple way to insert images from a website into your reply. Simply right click an image, and select "copy image location"

When you return to your Reply box, select, paste in your link, and press Ok. Pic should load into your message box.

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 09:10 PM

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Posting a thread

Here you go! You have found something, and want to share the information with the rest of us. Great! Lets get started.

Step 1:

You must search for the subject before wasting your time.
Instructions on how to do that can be found here...
Step 2:

Lets make a thread. First you want to find the proper forum. Get yourself to the forums and view your options. Lets say we found something new in Forced Induction for the camaro.

Obviously this has something to do with the engine. So we will be looking under, "Engine l Drivetrain l Powertrain technical discussions". Since we want to start a thread about forced induction for the V6 We will select, "Forced induction for V6 and V8" See below.

Now that we have found the proper sub-forum to post our new thread, we need to select the "New Thread" button at the top of the page as shown in the pic below...

Step 3:

By selecting "new thread" you will be brought to this window.
Attachment 101010

1. You must give your thread a Title. Name it whatever you want. But make sure that everyone can understand what your thread is about just by reading this title.

2. These buttons will help you make a clean and organized thread. How to use these buttons is posted here...

3. This is the text box. You type your information in here. If you need help with this part, then see instructions here...

4. Tags!!! Rarely used, but if you want your thread to be found easier in future searches, then you want to add a few important words from your subject into this box. Makes this a million times easier for others to find your thread.

5. And finally you can create a poll for this thread.

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 09:57 PM

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Embedding a YouTube Video

Posting a Youtube video is surprisingly simple. First you need to have a video on Youtube that you want to Embed.

Next copy the entire YouTube address.

Now that we have the youtube address for the video. you need to go to the thread that you want to insert it into. You may use either the "quick reply" box or the "advanced box" It doesn't matter.

Just Paste the entire address in and "Post Reply"

Note: if there is additional text after the ="vorQryO6mU8" just delete it. All you need is the URL plus the letter/number combo directly after the = sign.

Attachment 753373

Camaro_Corvette 03-08-2010 09:58 PM

This one is courtesy of moto-camaro! Thank you Moto!:thumbsup:

Changing your signature!

see if this helps :thumbsup: my Illustrated Guide to Signature Uploads :D
i'll try this as simple as possible, screenshots galore :wave:
this is a huge post.

first: Click "User CP"

Second: Click "Edit Signature"

This is where you should be now

Third: Scroll down to here, 2 Choices now:
A) Click "Browse" if the picture you want is on your Computer
B) Enter Internet Photo Link if the image you want is on a website. ("linking")
Make Sure your picture falls within the signature rules in the green box

Fourth: find the image you want on your computer, select it, and click "Open"

You should see the location of your file here now. Click Upload

You should see your picture show up here now. Click "Insert Signature Picture"

this should pop up in the Text box
add any other text you want here now

And last, click "save your Signature", same place where you uploaded.

If none of that works, my answer is:

Camaro_Corvette 03-16-2010 10:04 PM


ljustin293 03-16-2010 10:13 PM


Tran 03-16-2010 11:10 PM

Damn I think I learned some stuff from that even! :D

Awesome resource.

DGthe3 03-16-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tran (Post 1599243)
Damn I think I learned some stuff from that even! :D

Awesome resource.

Might be a good idea to link to this in the registration email

Rich1 03-16-2010 11:43 PM

Excellent write-up! :thumbsup:

Sevn86 03-16-2010 11:52 PM

i learned so much...thanks...but can you also post how to resize an image?

Shuffler 03-24-2010 11:16 AM

Picture in signature would be nice too..... mine is not working or maybe it needs to be OK'd first. I do not know.

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