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Old 10-20-2015, 10:52 AM   #337

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Originally Posted by Normagene View Post
Yum yum yum!

The average American diet causes the body to have a 200% increase in Cancer. Compare that to the Mediterranean diet which has an 80% Decrease in Cancer.
Greek food is the shit. I'd eat it any day over a burger or something.
2011 2SS/RS built 8/24/10
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Old 10-29-2015, 10:14 AM   #338

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Instant Noodles: What Are You Really Eating?

Probably the most popular “make-it-yourself” meal amongst students, singletons and rushed mothers, Instant noodles have long been a household staple in most modern homes.

They are quick and easy to prepare, easy to store and inexpensive. Instant noodles also taste so great that they are almost addictive.

But have you ever stopped to wonder what you are really eating?

The truth is going to make you rethink your next shopping list, because it turns out that instant noodles are bad for you for many reasons.

Your body can’t digest instant noodles very well. In a recent medical study doctors asked two people to each swallow a tiny, capsule sized camera after eating noodles. The first person ate homemade pasta noodles and the other ate instant noodles. Their digestion was then observed with the tiny cameras.

After a while the homemade noodles were digested and no longer visible, but the Instant noodles were still completely undigested and intact. Hours later the instant noodles were still undigested! If your body is unable to digest something it may make you feel full for a while but you are probably not getting any useful nutrients out of it.

Watch the video below -

But that isn’t even the real problem with instant noodles. Not being able to digest them is only a symptom of the real problem. The question you have to ask yourself is why can’t your body digest instant noodles?

The answer lies mainly in the process and the additives that are used when Instant or 2 minute noodles are manufactured.

Refined white flour

The key ingredient in instant noodles is refined white flour. That is a problem in itself because refined white flour is not very good for you. It clogs your digestive system making it very difficult to absorb any nutrients and it is full of empty calories. Empty calories are calories that essentially make you fat without actually giving you any real nutritional benefits. Refined white flour has a very high Glycemic Index (GI) which causes large amounts of sugars to be released into your blood very quickly. The result is that it taxes your liver, raises your blood sugar and sends your insulin levels up.

Anything that sends your insulin and blood sugar levels out of their normal range is a hazard to your health. Excess sugars in your blood stream are turned into fat which then gets deposited under your skin as body fat.

What’s more is that the process and the preservatives used in instant noodles make them one of the worst refined foods on the market.

Flash drying in hot oil and Trans-Fats

In order to dry your noodles, the manufactures take the cooked noodles and flash fry them in extremely hot oil. This process causes hundreds of tiny holes to penetrate the noodle which are each coated in oil. This Process renders your instant noodles high in that deadliest of ingredients, trans-fats. Although Trans-fats are not actually being added to the ingredients of the noodles (making it easy for manufactures to leave them off of labels) the particular cooking process used actually creates trans-fats.

Trans-fats are notorious for clogging arteries and putting pressure on the heart by loading it in fat deposits.

If you think that your noodles don’t contain trans-fats just because they aren’t mentioned on the label, think about this: Most companies use every advertising opportunity they can find. Which is why they announce proudly “Trans-fat free!” when they are in the clear. If they are quiet on the subject you should ask yourself why that is.


So now the noodles are cooked, flash dried, and full of bad fat. Next the manufactures have to make sure that they have a long shelf life. To achieve this they add many preservatives, including something called Tertiary butylhydroquinone, or TBHQ. TBHQ is an antioxidant, but not the good kind. TBHQ is a preservative that is often used in foods that are high in fats or iron because it stops them discolouring, prevents them from going rancid and extends their shelf life.

TBHQ is usually used together with other additives like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and propyl gallate. None of which is good for you.

There is evidence from studies done by the Centers for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) that large quantities of TBHQ increased the cases of tumours in rats. It also caused neurotoxic effects, liver enlargement, convulsions and paralysis in animal tests. Tests done with humans confirmed that large quantities of TBHQ cause visual disturbances.

TBHQ and Attention deficit disorder (ADD). TBHQ is believed to have a negative effect on those who display ADD which is why it is on the list of foods banned by the Feingold diet, a dietary approach to managing attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The FDA (The Food and Drug Administration of the US) doesn’t allow for more than 0.02% of fats and oils to be accounted for by TBHQ because not enough testing has been done to render it safe.

Needless to say any chemical substance that is controlled by FDA and has not had extensive testing done on it probably should not be consumed on a regular basis. Other names that TBHQ goes by are tert-butylhydroquinone, tertiart butylhydroquinone and butylated hydroxyanisol. Look out for them. Not only are they toxic but they also tell you that there is a good chance that the product they are in contains a lot of fat and oil.

So Now we have an instant noodle cake that is made with High GI refined flour, trans-fats and preserved with potentially dangerous and behaviour altering chemicals. Let’s have a look at what’s inside the flavour sachet.

What about that great instant noodle taste?

It’s MSG!

You may have noticed that instant noodles have an almost addictive flavour. That’s because the key ingredient in the flavour sachet of most brands is actually addictive. MSG or Monosodium glutamate is a flavour enhancer which is found in most Instant noodle flavour packets. When asked about the MSG content of instant noodles manufactures like Nestle are quick to say that there is no “added” MSG.

They don’t say “No MSG” they say “No added MSG”. This makes you wonder. Does that mean there is MSG in the raw ingredients but they don’t add any more during the cooking process? Why not just say, “No MSG” wouldn’t that be simpler? The answer is yes it would be simpler, but they can’t say it, because it’s not true.

As If the indigestible trans-fats and TBHQ were not bad enough, the manufactures also decided that they would make their noodles addictive by using a flavour enhancer that has well known negative side effects and health risks.

I have spoken at length about the dangers of MSG in the past, but just to recap quickly:

MSG is known to be associated with muscle tightness, numbness or tingling and fatigue as well as headaches and stomach upsets. It also over stimulates the nervous system, causing damage and inflammation in brain tissue and retinal tissue.

To make matters worse MSG has a cumulative effect. It builds up in your body over time so that even if you don’t notice the side effects right away, you will eventually.

Because MSG flavours seem to be mildly addictive, the chances are high that your MSG levels will build up pretty quickly. If you allow yourself to eat instant noodles, you will want to eat them often because your body will actually be craving the MSG.
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Old 11-02-2015, 08:44 AM   #339

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Is There Fuel On Your Almonds?

The new trending “super” food is almonds, packed full of nutritional benefits such as fiber, nutrients, vitamins, and protein, what’s not to love? Almonds are a source of high-quality protein and with just a handful, you can get your daily dose of protein. Almonds are also known to be a wonderful source for vitamin E, healthy unsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive molecules.

And not only are almonds tasty, they are also very versatile in how they can be enjoyed, whether they are prepared in baked items, hot food, cold salads, on cereals, or just eaten plain, it’s easy to see why the topic of almonds is trending.

What could be easier?

You’d probably never expect something as insidious as engine fuel might be contaminating your “raw” almonds.

Well, think again.

After two outbreaks of salmonella were traced back to almonds, in 2001 and 2004, the government stepped in and began regulating the pasteurization of almonds.

Although nobody died as a result of those two outbreaks and only 33 people became ill, the government mandated pasteurization for all domestically produced almonds, which means, very likely, you are not eating “raw” almonds at all.

Could your almonds have been fumigated with a chemical also used in the production of antifreeze and once used as racing fuel?

Hard to believe, but yes.

There are three ways to pasteurize almonds: freezing, steaming, or by fumigation with propylene oxide (PPO). If your almonds are not labelled and certified organic, they have been pasteurized most likely using the toxic PPO, a toxic industrial chemical used predominately in the production of polyurethane plastics.

Hard to believe, isn’t it? But armed with this information, you can make a different choice for you and your family.

What do we know about the use of PPO in the pasteurization process? Is it really dangerous?

As you can imagine, although the scientific studies can be interesting, to “non-scientists” they can seem a little nutty, yes, pun intended. The studies indicated, as you would expect, the untreated, truly “raw” almonds were superior in maintaining their natural nutritional benefits.

The EPA has deemed propylene oxide as a Group 2B, which is a probable human carcinogen. Propylene oxide has been responsible for a whole list of aliments in research studies, such as inflammatory lesions in the nasal, trachea, and lungs.

PPO has also been responsible for neurological effects, mild slowing of the central nervous system, and tumors following ingestions. We know propylene oxide is toxic in direct quantities, such as ingestion, or with continued exposure, such as continued inhalation.

What does this mean for the PPO pasteurization process for almonds?

Nobody can know yet for certain. Studies have shown the fumigation process leaves a PPO residue which tends to mostly dissipate after a couple days. But long-term effects? One can’t be sure.

For people on a raw food diet, who are striving to eat “live” foods full of healthy enzymes, pasteurized almonds would no longer be the best choice.

The pasteurization chambers used to fumigate almonds rise to temperatures of 140-145 degrees, which it’s generally accepted enzymes begin to degrade at temperatures beginning at 106 and higher.

Unfortunately, what this means, is the almonds you’ve been consuming are neither “raw” nor “live” but rather, have lost nutritional value through the process of pasteurization and likely, contain a residue of PPO.

How to Get PPO-free Almonds

The good news, PPO-free almonds can still be purchased although they will cost you a bit more.

What are your options? Most domestic almonds are produced in California and go through the PPO pasteurization, but you can still purchase truly raw almonds directly from an almond farmer or at a local farmer’s market, if you are lucky enough to live in an almond producing area of the US.

Certified organic almonds will be PPO-free and will have instead, been steam pasteurized. Unpasteurized almonds can also be ordered from outside the US.

Of course, keep in mind, however, these options can be quite costly.

Almonds have incredible nutritional value and shouldn’t be abandoned. Armed with the knowledge of the PPO pasteurization process, you will be able to get the most out of your purchasing options because a simple thing like purchasing seemingly “raw” almonds shouldn’t put toxins into your diet.
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Old 11-05-2015, 09:21 AM   #340

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The Dirty Truth about Antibacterial Soap

Over the years, scientists develop products for mainstream use and then manufacturing companies market them as safe, effective, and healthy for humans. Occasionally this marketing is so effective that the product becomes ubiquitous in society. An example of this is antibacterial soap.

The type of advertising used to market antibacterial products polarizes bacteria by making us believe that “germs,” aka bacteria, are bad and we must eradicate them every chance we get.

Therefore, we stock up on antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer to solve the problem of bacteria.

It’s Everywhere…

You can find antibacterial soap in gas stations, supermarkets, drug stores, and airports. You may recall the last time you went aboard an airplane and immediately reached for your antibacterial lotion to keep germs from hitching a ride on your hands, traveling to your face, and then giving you the dreaded cold virus.

If you’ve never experienced this, you can probably recall a television commercial where someone else did. Some people keep a large container of antibacterial hand sanitizer in their car in order to stay “germ-free” on the go. It’s quite normal to see a travel size pack of antibacterial sanitizer in a mom’s diaper bag or a woman’s purse.

If you look through the cleaning supplies in any supermarket, you will find that antibacterial is no longer just for hand sanitizers and hand soaps. It is used in dish-washing liquid and laundry detergents. It is also on the label of many beauty and hygiene products, such as deodorant and body wash.

The reason people routinely turn to this product is because the media has told us repeatedly that we must use antibacterial soap to “protect ourselves from germs.”

Yet, is this necessary? Why do people suddenly need antibacterial products rather than soap and water which were used for centuries prior?

Recent statements from the FDA indicate that antibacterial soap may not be any more effective than soap and water. They report that unless the manufacturers are able to prove the efficacy of antibacterial products, they will be removed from store shelves. Although the manufacturers are providing some evidence that their products do reduce bacteria, they haven’t proven that antibacterial products are more effective at reducing infections. This is because most infections are not caused from bacteria, but rather from viruses, which are not killed by antibacterial products.

The Problem With Antibacterial Products…

Not only is the value of antibacterial products being tested, but the manufacturers must prove the long-term safety of these products or the FDA will require them to be removed from shelves. The chemical ingredient that allegedly helps antibacterial soap to “kill germs” is called triclosan.

However, this chemical is linked to lowered immunity and allergies in children. In animal studies, triclosan was proven to be an endocrine disrupter, which can lead to a multitude of health issues involving the thyroid hormone. The concern is that children and adults who use antibacterial products may also be at risk to develop similar endocrine disrupting problems.

Antibacterial soaps are spurring the growth of a new generation of bacteria. This new strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotics which may lead to big problems for modern medicine.

The implications for this are serious. If antibiotic medications cease to work for bacterial infections many people may not be able to recover from a seemingly small infection.Overuse of antibiotics directly contributes to this issue, but the widespread use of triclosan in so many products is also a big cause for concern with resistant bacteria.

Other Reasons Why You Should Stop Using Antibacterial Products

These are compelling reasons why these antibacterial products are not necessary and harmful, but there are many other reasons to discontinue using them.

1) When we use antibacterial soaps to wash our hands every day, the soap goes down the drain and gets dropped into the environment. Triclosan may eradicate bacteria in water and in dirt, where it is a necessary part of the ecosystem. This chemical is moving into the environment because humans are using it frequently and in so many different products.

2) Consumers in Western culture are taught that all germs are bad, but recent studies indicate that some bacteria are a beneficial and a necessary part of a healthy planet. Removing exposure to these bacterias responsible for many health issues in the modern world. We need to create more balance on the planet and a great first step is cutting out the use of these antibacterial products.

Use soap and warm water to wash your hands and be mindful of not touching your face. Your skin will thank you because those chemicals are drying out your hands. Having healthy exposure to the bacteria in the environment may improve your immunity because some of the bacteria are here to protect our health.

To protect yourself from harmful bacteria and germs, it is recommended to strengthen your immune system instead.
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Old 11-08-2015, 05:40 PM   #341

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I am screwed. Half of my diet during 4 years in college was ramen. The other half is beer.
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Old 11-15-2015, 11:26 AM   #342

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7 Herbs To Help You Sleep Better

Not getting enough sleep is really tough on your body; sleep is when you heal, get stronger, and solidify memories, among other things. People who are particularly stressful in school or work tend to get insufficient sleep each night.

Anxiety and stress are probably the two biggest causes of inability to sleep, and there are many other triggers that stem from these two things.

Thinking too much, being tense, and worrying are among them. Emotions are a huge part of how well you sleep, but there are plenty of physical barriers, too.

You may not be able to get to sleep or stay asleep for long enough if you: are in pain, feel too warm, feel too cold, have too many lights on, drank caffeine within the last 5 hours, drank alcohol too recently, or just had a meal.

The inability to get enough sleep can be either temporary or chronic. If you simply didn’t get enough sleep for a night or two, possible effects on your body include: slowed cognitive function, impaired memory formation, increased clumsiness, increased moodiness, and weakened immune system.

More severe effects come along with chronic lack of sleep and can become worse over time. For example, micro sleep is when your body suddenly stops to take a nap without your “consent.”

It usually only lasts a few seconds or a few minutes, but because your brain is so tired, it can happen anytime, including when you’re driving or performing dangerous activities that require constant focus.

Besides micro sleep and the aforementioned consequences of temporary sleep loss, possible effects of chronic sleep loss include: depression, weight gain, increased blood pressure, heartbeat issues, and hallucinations.

Obviously, getting enough sleep is crucial to your health. Getting quality sleep each night does things like strengthen your immune system to make it so that you don’t get sick as easily, but it’s also responsible for more basic functions like memory formation.

It’s difficult to process information when you’re running on a few hours of sleep. For example, if you go to class on three hours of sleep, you won’t understand or retain nearly as much as if you had gotten at least 7-8 hours. Unfortunately, tons of people have issues with bad sleep, be it not being able to get to sleep or not being able to stay asleep.

Of course it would be convenient if we could rely on caffeine to get things done without enough sleep, but it’s simply impossible to do that for very long. Fortunately, herbal botanicals are great at helping people calm down, reduce anxiety and helps you to sleep better.

Today we are going to explore 7 herbs that calm your nerves and help you sleep well.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile is a popular variety of tea around the world. It is most often used for inflammatory problems and as a sleep aid.

An article in the Journal of Molecular Medicine Reports stated that chamomile tea depresses muscle activity the central nervous system. They found that the tea contains a flavonoid that binds to the brain’s benzodiazepine receptors, which may be the reason why it has these calming effects.

An article in the European Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology found that chamomile helps specifically with insomnia. Further support for chamomile’s potential to help induce sleep is that it can be rather effective against both anxiety disorders and seizures.

The inability to sleep can be physical, mental, or both, so an herb that relieves both muscle tension and mental anxiety has great potential for use as a sleep aid.

Other benefits of chamomile include:

Has anti-bacterial properties
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Can treat ulcers
Eases upset stomach
Can stop nausea
Can reduce anxiety
Eases heartburn
Reduces allergy symptoms
Can help prevent osteoporosis
May reduce the risk of cancer
2. Tulsi

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, may not be as well known as chamomile, but it is extremely popular in India for use in teas. This tea is frequently marketed as a “sleep tea” because it is so powerful. It relieves stress, reduces tension, and promotes relaxation.

It is caffeine free, so there is no caffeine interference with its relaxing qualities. In India, Tulsi is valued for its ability to help clean out toxins and to help restore balance to the body. Tulsi is unique in that it is an adaptogen, meaning that it is able to regulate the balance of chemicals in the body.

This also means that the herb naturally resists stressors and therefore helps to limit stressors, such as toxins, in the body. Tulsi can literally regulate the level of cortisone, a major stress hormone, in the blood.

A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine evaluated how effective Tulsi supplements are at combating general stress factors. Out of 71 subjects taking the Tulsi supplements, there were major improvements in sleeplessness, fatigue, forgetfulness, and anxiety, among other things. The researchers attribute this to Tulsi’s anti-stress, neuroprotective, and antioxidant qualities.

Other Benefits of Tulsi include:

Has anti-inflammatory properties
Contains many antioxidants
Improves immune function
Calms the nerves
Helps prevent seizures
Promotes eye health
Promotes joint health
3. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is most popular in Asia and India, both for cooking and for medicinal purposes. It is used to make soup, tea, curry, and other foods.

Lemongrass oil is popular in some places for its calming effects on the body and mind. Lemongrass helps relieve stress, and so is naturally relaxing. It also has a mild muscle relaxant effect on the body, which enhances its sleep-inducing qualities.

A scientific article in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that lemon grass might slightly reduce anxiety, too.

Other benefits of lemongrass include:

Has anti-microbial properties
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Eases constipation
Reduces gas
Can reduce pain
Reduces fever
Lowers cholesterol
Lowers blood pressure
Helps eliminate bodily toxins
4. Spearmint

Spearmint has a known mild sedative effect, which is why drinking spearmint tea or just the scent of spearmint can really help you get to sleep.

According to articles from both the Journal of Chemistry and the Journal of Toxicology and Industrial Health, multiple researchers have shown that spearmint has a high antioxidant content, which means that it can also help prevent diseases like cancer.

One of these antioxidants is called carvone, and it is stated in the Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines that carvone has a depressant effect on the nervous system, meaning that it calms you down. It’s also possible that spearmint may enhance the effects of some insomnia medications.

Other benefits of spearmint include:

Has anti-fungal properties
Contains many antioxidants
Eases nausea
Eases indigestion
Reduces coughing
Helps treat cold symptoms
Eases muscle pain
Can help with headaches
Helps reduce stress
May improve memory
5. Fennel Seed

Fennel seed is another herb that is used both for cooking and herbal medicine. It’s high in minerals and vitamins and contains many antioxidants.

A study published in AYU, an international research journal, found that fennel seed significantly reduces pain associated with menstruation in as many as 80% of study subjects. It’s very possible that this could be due to muscle relaxant properties, which would be part of why it helps induce sleep.

Even stronger evidence for the use of fennel seed as a sleep aid is that fennel seeds are a great source of melatonin, a chemical in our bodies that is vital when it comes to getting to sleep.

A study in the Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that melatonin supplements significantly improved the ability to get to sleep for asthma patients, and these findings apply to the general population as well.

Other benefits of fennel seed include:

Relieves constipation
Relieves indigestion
May improve eyesight
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Has anti-bacterial properties
Eases joint pain
Helps lower cholesterol
Reduces risk of heart attack
Can reduce asthma symptoms
May help prevent colon cancer
6. Saffron

Mood stability can be an important factor in getting enough sleep. A review published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment states that multiple studies have found saffron effective against mood problems, including sleep-inhibiting anxiety, depression, and stress.

One example is a study published in the Journal of Natural Medicines, which found that saffron was effective against depression. Some of the physical benefits of saffron indicate that it may have pain reliving and muscle relaxing properties as well.

Other benefits of saffron include:

Effective against depression
Eases asthma symptoms
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Has anti-viral properties
Increases blood circulation
Relieves constipation
Improves digestion
Can relieve menstrual pain
Helps fight cancer
May help treat Alzheimer’s disease
7. Rosehip

Rosehip is another herb that isn’t particularly well known. It is used in soup, jelly, and tea, but is also taking in supplement form for its health benefits. An article in the Australian Family Physicians Journal stated that rosehip is a safe herb that is effective against a variety of physical ailments, including irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis, and general pain.

This is due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can also enhance sleep quality. Subjects taking rosehip supplements were found to have major improvements in sleep quality and mood over three months.

Other benefits of rosehips include:

Helps prevent stomach ulcers
Improves stomach acid deficiency
Lowers cholesterol
Lowers blood pressure
Relieves constipation
Relieves diarrhea
May prevent gallstones
Reduces sciatica pain
Improves immune function
Overall, herbs can be powerful tools when it comes to improving your ability to get to sleep and stay asleep. It turns out that the most common method for ingesting sleep-inducing herbs is by drinking tea. These herbs also come in the form of pill supplements and powders, among others.

You can easily find these teas consuming these herbs and drink them as tea before you sleep.
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Old 11-23-2015, 12:11 PM   #343

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Is Your Butter Healthy?

Turns out that butter can actually be healthy, but only if you choose the right kind. Scientists have found that “good” butter is high in a compound called CLA that helps prevent the growth of cancers and tumors. It also has Omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy for the heart, as well as vitamins and minerals.

However, varieties of butter containing vegetable oils are actually pretty bad, especially because they trigger inflammation in the body. Butters made with vegetable oils are about as bad as margarine.

The vegetable oils are frequently derived from GMOs, which are controversially used in many food products. One exception is olive oil; there are quite a few brands that use olive oil in their butters. Researchers at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, among many others, have found that olive oil helps balance out fatty acids in the body, and that it can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering inflammation throughout the body.

Aside from GMO ingredients, another major characteristic of unhealthy butter is if the cows are given conventional grain feed. Cows that are grass fed produce much healthier milk.

Why Is Vegetable Oil Bad?

The term vegetable oil includes canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil, among others. These are very high in unhealthy polyunsaturated fatty acids and in trans fats, both of which increase the risk of heart disease. The types of fat in vegetable oils also directly trigger inflammation throughout the body, and chronic inflammation is extremely unhealthy.

Researchers at the National Institute of Public Health found that countries where polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption is larger have some of the highest rates of mortality due to cardiovascular disease.

Why Is Margarine Bad?

Margarine is mostly vegetable oil, and just that fact alone makes it bad for us. It is a butter substitute that has been around for centuries. The process used to make margarine involves harsh chemicals like hexane. The oil is then hot steamed, which happens to remove any existing vitamins, minerals, or other healthy components from the oil. Then, it undergoes partial hydrogenation, which increases the amount of trans fats and makes it even worse for us. After this, emulsifiers and food colorings are added.

An article in the Journal of Epidemiology found that margarine intake leads to a higher risk of coronary heart disease.

Why Are GMOs Bad?

Genetically Modified Organisms are extremely common in the standard American diet. A growing number of people are working to avoid them at all costs, but it’s difficult to do so because the government wrongly believes that they are safe to consume. They are not all created equal, but most of these products are detrimental to both our health and the environment. The Permaculture Research Institute stated that GMOs cannot be safe for the environment, and also that consequences as bad as birth defects and tumors have resulted from frequent GMO food consumption.

Why Is Conventional Cow Feed Bad?

The main reason that conventional grain feed is bad is that it is ridden with GMOs. This feed also very commonly contains antibiotics and hormones, which are quite bad for both the cows and the people who drink their milk. Many companies make or support GMOs, but Monsanto and Du Pont are two really big ones in this industry. As a side note, these companies also mass-produce things like aspartame, rBGH (a hormone given to cows that has been linked to cancer), and pesticides, all of which are unhealthy for the people exposed to them. It is always good to refuse to support companies like these who do not have the best interests of animals and people in mind. If you wish to avoid these products, make sure you check the parent company on your store-bought products; these two own many smaller companies.

A Bad Butter Example

Let’s look at a specific brand of butter. Land O Lakes is extremely popular, and many people grew up with it always in the fridge – myself included. Land O Lakes is a very pro-GMO brand in general, and it’s good to not support brands like that whenever possible due to the potential health risks of genetically modified food products.

The brand has donated large amounts of money to stop political bills that would require GMO foods to be labeled as such, which directly interferes with the consumer’s right to know what they’re truly eating. This brand contains just about every hallmark of an unhealthy butter:

Not organic
Fed grains
Fed GMOs
Fed antibiotics
Fed growth hormones
Pesticides present
So What Should You Look For?

The best type of butter is organic and made from grass fed cows. Grass fed cows yield better butter, so non-organic butter from grass fed cows is the next best. Organic butter from grain fed cows is the next best, followed by conventional butter from grain fed cows. Plants are better for the cows than grain is, and grain feed often contains unnecessary additives. Butter that comes from grass fed cows is higher in vitamins A and E, as well as in the heart-healthy compound CLA. In a nutshell, healthier cows produce healthier butter. When you choose organic, it means that there will be no GMOS, hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides in the product. Some healthy butter brands include:

Organic Valley
Kalona Super Natural
What Is Ghee?

Ghee is essentially purified butter. It should not contain lactose and most lactose intolerant people can consume it safely, but is derived from normal butter, so for those with severe allergies or intolerances may still want to steer clear. Ghee is high in CLA, vitamins, and minerals. The fatty acids in it can actually help with weight loss and appetite control. It is anti-inflammatory and encourages healthy digestion. Ghee is easy to find in organic grass fed varieties, and it is likely even healthier than regular butter. Some groups of people even consider ghee a super-food because of its potential health benefits.

Butter Substitutes

For people who are vegan, lactose intolerant, or otherwise cannot consume dairy products, there are countless substitutes out there. Avoid vegetable oil ridden brands like Smart Balance and instead opt for healthier varieties like ghee.

For recipes, there are quite a few household items that can be used in place of butter. For example:

Mashed avocado
Pureed pumpkin
Olive oil
Coconut butter
If you’re looking for something to spread on toast, there are countless alternatives much healthier than butter substitutes, like:

Peanut butter
Almond butter
Olive oil and spices
Avocado slices
The trick to finding a good, healthy butter is to read the ingredients label. Unfortunately, the information on the front of the package seem be pretty untrue, and even some brand names indicate that they are healthy when they really aren’t. Don’t assume the butter you picked up is healthy just because it says, “made with olive oil.”

Read the ingredients to make sure that it doesn’t also contain canola oil or other unhealthy ingredients. Try to get organic butter only in order to eliminate the chance that you’ll consume traces of hormones and antibiotics that were originally fed to the cows. Whenever possible, look for brands that use grass fed cows in order to increase the amount of nutrients in the butter. And lastly, don’t forget to read the ingredients label to check for hidden additives!
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Old 11-30-2015, 08:44 PM   #344

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What Your Pee Is Trying To Tell

The average person pees six to eight times a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It all depends on how much liquid you have had to drink, what you have had to drink and naturally, what the external and outside temperature is in comparison to your body temperature. In your lifetime you are probably going to produce enough urine to fill an average suburban swimming pool!

Why does your body go to all the trouble to produce urine anyway?

Well, urination is actually a really important bodily function. The production of urine serves a few vital purposes. Three of the most important being: It helps to remove waste and otherwise toxic elements from your body; it helps you to maintain a steady internal fluid content (vital for organ function) and it even plays a part in regulating your body temperature.

Really it is your kidneys that are doing the dirty work for you. Your kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering out metabolic waste and controlling your body’s fluid content.

To do this they flush the toxins and waste out in the form of pee. This pee (or urine) is sent to your bladder to be stored until it gets full enough to make you feel like you need to pee.

Aside from offering bladder relief, removing potentially toxic waste and regulating your bodily fluids and temperature, your pee is therefore the best indicator of your current health.

Checking your Pee

Many of us never think to look at our pee for signs of health problems. If we are not feeling well we go to the doctor and wait for him to take a urine sample from which he then makes his final diagnosis.

You don’t always need a doctors’ dip-stick to let your pee tell you what is going on inside your body.If we just keep an eye on our urine every day we too could pick up changes in our health, hopefully before we even feel ill.

How to check your pee

Dr Chris Steele suggests that you check the color of your pee mid-stream rather than after it has been diluted by the water in the toilet bowl. The best way to do this, he says, especially for women who may struggle to see their pee mid-stream, is to catch some urine in a small, clean, clear container. This will then allow you to see its color easily.
You should check the color of your pee regularly, even if you are well, so that you can find out what “normal” looks like for you.

What does the color of your Pee say about your Health?

If you are healthy and normal you should have pee that is pale yellow, clear and doesn’t have much of a smell.

However if your Pee is not the usual pale yellow then the color might indicate an underlying health issue.

Take a look at the list below to see what your pee is saying about your health:

Pale yellow or gold pee

Pale yellow or gold is the most common color for urine and indicates that you are probably well hydrated and have a healthy urinary tract. Taking Vitamin B supplements can color your pee brighter yellow, but it should become less bright within a few hours. Your urine may also become slightly darker if you drink less water and paler as you drink more water.

Orange pee

Orange pee could be indicative of your body being dehydrated. This can happen when you have been “holding it” for too long. It can also happen after you exercise because you are using up water to sweat and metabolize faster, which means more metabolic waste to process and less water to process it with. If your urine is orange you should drink water immediately to right your internal fluid content.

It can also be caused by eating or drinking orange (or red) foods and drinks. If either of these is the case it should become paler within a few hours and after a few glasses of water.

If your pee stays orange for a prolonged time it could be a sign of a more serious problem such as Liver or pituitary problems or even an ADH (Antidiuretic hormone, which inhibits your ability to pee).

If your pee stays orange for more than a few days in spite of drinking plenty of water you should consult your GP.

Amber or dark orange pee

This is much the same as orange pee but because it is darker, that means it is even more concentrated. More concentrated urine means that you are even more dehydrated. You should drink water and hydrate yourself immediately.

Concentrated pee could also be the result of consuming too much salt and caffeine.

In more serious causes, amber pee could mean problems like: anuria (decreased urine production), metabolic problems, hematuria, pituitary issues or ADH. These are all conditions which should be treated by a doctor, so if your pee stays dark orange for a few days (in spite of drinking enough water) you should consult your doctor immediately.

Brown pee

If your pee is brown it is very concentrated. You may be extremely dehydrated and you should drink water right away.

There are also a few medical conditions that can cause pee to turn brown. These include Urinary Tract Infections, Melanuria, kidney stones, blood clots and in some cases even cancer. Brown pee can also be as a result of Addison’s Disease, Glycosuria, Proteinuria, pituitary problems and Renal Artery Stenosis.

Sometimes certain foods like Fava beans can turn your pee brown so bear in mind what you have been eating too. If you have not been eating fava beans and the symptoms continue, then you should definitely consult your GP.

Colorless pee

Have you been drinking a lot of water? Because colorless pee means that you are probably over hydrated. Try to drink a little less and it should soon return to normal. You shouldn’t need medical attention unless the condition persists for longer than a few days.

Cloudy or sediment containing pee

If your pee is milky white or cloudy you probably have a urinary tract infection.

In some cases it could be a sign of kidney disorders, problems with your metabolic processes or even Chyluria which is a lymph node issue.

Cloudy white urine is a sign of Phosphaturia and pituitary gland issues.

The important thing to ask yourself is whether you are in any pain or if you have any other bladder discomforts and/or odd symptoms? If you are in pain, feeling sick (nauseous), pee a lot more frequently than usual and have cloudy pee, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Even something as simple as a urinary tract infection can quickly make you very ill and uncomfortable. Untreated urinary tract infections can lead to bladder and kidney infections. The longer it remains untreated, the more internal damage and the longer the road to recovery.

Red or pink pee

This is usually caused by blood in your urine. If you have any reason to believe you have blood in your pee you should consult your GP immediately!

Blood in your pee is called hematuria and is most often caused by severe urinary tract infections, a heavy knock or blow to the kidney area or kidney stones. Sometimes blood in your urine is caused by Cancer and tumors but before you panic, make sure that you haven’t just eaten foods or taken medication that can make your pee appear red. These would be some red food dyes, beetroot, blueberries and rhubarb.

Medicines that can turn your pee red include iron supplements, Pepto-Bismol and Maalox.

Just remember that any artificial food that has dyes strong enough to color your pee most probably aren’t good for you.

Black pee

This is very rare. If you do experience black pee you could have a genetic disorder of tyrosine metabolism and phenylalanine which causes an accumulation of homogentistic acid in the blood. Seek medical attention immediately!

Green or blue pee

This is also rare but when it is experienced its usually because of something that you have eaten. Certain foods, colorants and highly concentrated vitamins can cause discoloration of your pee to green or orange.

If you experience pain or discomfort at the same time as your pee being green or blue it could be due to an unusual urinary tract infection. If the symptoms persist you should seek medical attention.

Foaming Pee

If your pee is turbulent and foamy it could be a sign of diabetes or hypertension. You should consult your doctor if the condition lasts longer than a few days.

What the smell of your Pee tells you

What your pee smells like is also an important indicator of your health. Normal pee doesn’t actually have a strong smell. When your pee has a strong odour it is usually because you are dehydrated. It can also be caused by high-protein foods.

Strong smelling pee

If you have strong smelling pee but you are not dehydrated and haven’t eaten anything high in protein you may have an infection somewhere in your urinary tract or may even have kidney stones. If you have any other symptoms you should consult your GP.

Pee that smells like Ammonia

An ammonia smell in your pee could be because of a sexually transmitted disease, hormonal imbalances or metabolic disorders. If the smell persists for longer than a day or two you should consult a doctor, especially if it is accompanied by burning, pain or any other symptoms.

Sweet fruity smelling pee

A sweet fruity smell in your urine is sometimes caused by uncontrolled diabetes. If you have any other symptoms you should consult a doctor.

Sulphurous smelling pee

Pee that smells like sulphur (eggy smell) can be caused by certain strong smelling foods such as asparagus. The interesting thing about “asparagus smelling pee” is that only about half of all people have the required gene to be able to smell it.

This is not usually a health risk and shouldn’t warrant medical attention unless it is coupled with other symptoms.

Fighting The Urge To Pee

When you feel the need to pee you should do so as soon as you can. We have all learned to “hold it in” because we are so busy in our modern lives that we are not always able to go when we need to.

The problem is that when you hold your pee often you can actually damage the lining of your bladder. It’s like pulling elastic too far. By stretching your bladder wall out for too long too often you will make it lose its elasticity. Fighting the urge also puts a lot of unnecessary strain on your kidneys which will can result in hypertension, high blood pressure and eventually, kidney problems.

So How Often Should You Pee Every Day?

On average most people need to pee six to eight times a day.

Needless to say if you’re drinking a lot of water you may need to pee more often. If you are peeing very frequently it could be because of a bladder infection or because you have been drinking too much caffeine which is a diuretic. Another less common cause for over frequent urination can be prostate problems.

If you are healthy you should have pale yellow pee without a strong smell. You should pee six to eight times in the average day and you should always relieve yourself when you feel the urge to go.

If you have any unusual variations that last longer than a day or two you should have them assessed by a doctor, especially if they are coupled with any other symptoms.
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Old 12-07-2015, 02:26 PM   #345

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4 Healthiest Types Of Rice

Rice is eaten all over the world and in almost every culture. It is tasty in hundreds to thousands of culinary dishes, and it can provide a decent dose of vitamins, minerals, and especially carbohydrates.

Whole-grain types of rice are digested slowly and help regulate blood sugar. It is high in fiber and thus is quite filling. Certain kinds of rice are linked with lower disease rates, though white rice does not fall into this category.

Put simply, not all rice is created equal. There are countless varieties of rice, but there are a few main groups. White rice represents the refined grains that are no longer whole. Black rice, red rice, and brown rice are three of the healthiest alternatives to white rice.

Why Is White Rice So Bad?

White rice is the most commonly consumed type, and that is an unfortunate fact. White rice is processed way more than it needs to be, and is considered a refined grain rather than a whole grain. White rice has had its outer layers removed, and those outer layers are where many of the nutrients are stored. This refining causes a loss of: vitamins, fiber, protein, minerals, and antioxidants, among other healthy things.

White rice has seven times less fiber than brown rice does because of this refining process. White rice is sometimes fortified with vitamins, but many argue that synthetic vitamins are not absorbed nearly as well as natural ones.

White rice is associated with a higher risk of Type II Diabetes, among other disease because the carbohydrates can easily convert into sugar and spike up the insulin level in your blood.

In general, it is simply healthier to eat rice that contains whole grains instead of refined ones. Below are three of the healthiest types of rice: black, red, and brown.

Black Rice

Most people haven’t heard of black rice, but it is arguably the healthiest kind out there. It’s high in antioxidants, fiber, protein, iron, calcium, and copper. This type of rice is loaded with anthocyanin, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation, helps prevent heart disease, and helps improve cognitive function. Black rice contains more anthocyanin than red rice.

Black rice reduces the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which lowers your risk of blood clots; clots can lead to life threatening events such as stroke, heart attack, and pulmonary embolism. Black rice can also help regulate cholesterol levels in the body by lowering the bad cholesterol, which further reduces the risk of heart disease. Because it is high in fiber, it promotes a healthy digestive system. This means it may reduce constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and bloating; it lets you feel fuller and thus may help with weight loss; and it reduces toxins in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

In addition to reducing GI tract toxins, it can be effective at detoxifying the liver and other organs due to its antioxidant levels. Studies have shown that consuming whole grains like black rice in place of refined grains like white rice reduces your risk of developing both Type II Diabetes and obesity.

A study in the Journal of Nutrition compared rats that were fed white rice with rats that were fed black rice. Those fed black rice had less radical damage to their cells, less plaque inside their arteries, and fewer toxins in the body overall. They also had less inflammation throughout their bodies, which is considered a sign of good health. Heightened inflammation causes a myriad of health issues over time, including diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, acid reflux, and much more.

Sprouted Rice

If you take a good look around at the health food sections of your local grocery, you’ll likely notice a wide variety of sprouted foods – lentils, nuts and rice.

The process of soaking and sprouting foods is said to increase its nutritional value. For rice, sprouting can help to lower their glycemic index which raise the blood sugar levels in the blood.

A “Journal of Functional Foods” study found that germinating brown rice caused an uptick in levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a compound which may support your mood and heart health.

Sprouted foods such as rice are easier to digest and are quicker to cook since the hard outer shell is softened during the sprouting process. Sprouted rice are easier to digest and are quicker to cook since the hard outer shell is softened during the sprouting process.

Red Rice

Red rice is a whole grain that has a bit of a nutty flavor. It is high in quite a few minerals, including: manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, and molybdenum. It also contains fiber, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins. The grains are red because of anthocyanins, antioxidants that have been found to have powerful healing effects within the body; they may even be able to inhibit the growth of tumors. Many of the nutrients in red rice are comparable to those in brown rice, but red rice is much less commonly found because it isn’t grown around the world like brown rice is. While it depends on the subtypes, red rice has as much as ten times as many antioxidants as brown rice.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is the most widely available type that is considered healthy, and is a much better choice than white rice. Compared to white rice, brown rice has more protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some of the minerals present in brown rice are selenium, iron, and manganese. Selenium helps prevent heart disease and arthritis, iron helps prevent fatigue, and manganese promotes a healthy nervous system.

Brown rice is a whole grain, which means that it promotes healthy digestion and can help reduce overeating. A study in the Journal of Nutrition Research found that people trying to lose weight and body fat were more successful when they consumed only brown rice instead of white rice.

Other Varieties

Jasmine rice is high in magnesium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin B, fiber, and protein. It is also a healthy alternative to white rice.
Bulgur rice has tons of fiber and protein as well. Compared to white rice, it has far more nutritional value.
Quinoa is not rice, but it is often consumed along with or in place of rice. It’s super high in protein and fiber, and it’s also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
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