Thread: Nintendo Switch
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Old 01-18-2017, 11:02 PM   #6

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It's too gimmicky for me and it's too expansive. Even professional analysts say the console will bomb at it's current price of $300. Why spend that much when you can buy a Xbox 1 or PS4 for $250 and have better games, more games to choose from and a better console.

Let's not forget Nintendo has horrible 3rd party support, the only decent games they have are all 1st party. All their other games are horrible ports because their consoles are just too weak. Speaking of power, I was reading somewhere that the Wii U is more powerful than the Switch and that the Switch is about on the same level as the DS. Seriously wtf Nintendo? You really going to release a console that is inferior to what you already have out?

Personally I see the Switch flopping pretty hard, prob worse than the Wii U did. The console is just too expansive for what it offers, should be around the $200 mark, at most $250. It's being pushed as a "Party" console with all it's gimmicks and gimmicky controller but yet to have multiplayer in person most games advertised for it atm require multiple consoles set up as a LAN.
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