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Old 01-13-2017, 10:54 AM   #14
1st Civ. Div.
Drives: Camaroless for now...RIP "Big SexZ"
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Savannah, Ga
Posts: 2,726
Cheat software installed to intentially bypass emissions is lazy for ANY automaker in this day and climate. I want my kids to be able to breath normally without the hazards of bad air just so I can have the bragging rights of having 40 or so more hp in my urban diesel cruiser.

I may not like some of the consequences of the EPA but I know its done in most part to protect us just as the FDA does for our food supply or restaurant food and health inspectors that keep us from getting sick while enjoying a night out with our families.

Remember its cause and effects on regulations being instituted. Just saying.
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