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Old 11-04-2016, 02:35 AM   #12

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Originally Posted by Norm Peterson View Post
I don't think my wife has ever actually screamed on account of any hard driving on my part (which can get pretty hard at times) in the 46 years we've been married, or in the two before that when we were dating.

All I have to avoid doing are unnecessary slalom-level maneuvers and braking much later than traffic ahead of us . . . what are you guys doing differently that brings out the screams?

Sounds like my ex. Well, depending if it was a right or left, because a left would bounce her head off the window. Then I would hear a very sarcastic, "Thanks."

When I first got my Camaro I practiced a right from a southeast bound maindrag, 45MPH, onto a west bound 25MPH side street to take us home. So more than the usual 90 degrees.
I scoped out a drain in the curb ~40 feet from the intersection. When the Pirellis were warm that was my braking point. stayed in 4th. Smacked the Brembos, twisted the wheel, and before you knew it I was cruising at 25 MPH without one inch of leaving the center of the lanes. That impressed her.

But then when on a road trip, so I was unfamiliar with the streets, we lined up in the right of two left turn lanes as #5. I eased towards it when the signal turned green and noticed a mini-van right on my bumper. When I reached the intersection I turned left without slowing one iota. Left that mini van about 40 feet behind but I sure got the squawk out of the old lady.

Never, ever, did she scream though.
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