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Old 04-03-2016, 02:30 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by BowtieV8 View Post
...I understood some of these words. But not enough.

It was previously mentioned that the ATS and CTS use LED reverse lights. Anyone know where I can get the internal LED assembly for those cars? Or is the Gen5diy one the same? I want to order the right assembly now, and then give it to the dealership when I go to purchase the car. I'll have them do the LED upgrade for me.

As for the OP, now that you've been running this setup for a bit, have you had any issues or concerns pop up??
It's not the lights on those cars that eliminate the "glow" issue, it's the better reverse light switch that is different. Cars with factory LED reverse lights dont use the cheap switch like how we have that leaks current. We have a solid state switch and they have either a mechanical one or a solid state one with better electronics to eliminate the current leakage.

So short of replacing that, the best option is a resistor to bleed the leaked current. the 5ohm 50 watters are a bit overkill. You can make do with 8-10ohm 25watt, this will minimize waste while still accomplishing the same goal.
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