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Old 10-13-2015, 09:34 AM   #5
Drives: 2015 1SS / RS NPP
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Dayton Ohio
Posts: 353
Ayup. There's a Boss 302 driver near me, and we give each other a thumbs up whenever we see each other, as do the local 1LE owner and I. There's a guy who drives a '62 'vette hardtop near me, and we wave whenever we see each other.

There's always folks who look at a particular vehicle or brand as some sort of tribe, then there's people who just like cars, recognize a cool one, and enjoy bsing with others who do as well.

I'm one of the latter, and will give a thumbs up or a wave to anyone driving something interesting and cool, particularly if they've taken the effort to mod it more to their taste.

I've not seen a ZL1, nor a Z28 in the wild yet, but should I then hopefully the person driving it will open to some conversation.
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