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Old 06-24-2015, 08:37 PM   #1
wzbhnn's Avatar
Drives: 2014 Camaro 1LE
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Ontario
Posts: 43
Camaro driver vs. Mustang driver thoughts

This is not a race thread. But I realized something funny about Camaro owners vs Mustang owners.

I was just cruising down the street the other day, when a Fox body caught me at a stop light. I looked at him and his car and gave him a smile and a gentle nod. In return he gave me this I'm gonna smoke your a$$ look and start revving his engine. When the light turns green he jumped on it and got up to at least twice the speed limit and cut quite a few other cars off ahead... All triggered by a friendly gesture from someone liked his car.

It's like they can not appreciate anything else except mustangs... and assume all other drivers think the same way. I understand the history between the two and honestly rivary is the biggest reason for the two cars' success up to today. But I don't understand why as a owner they have to block anything else away, just to live in the little hypothetical invicible world.

I did shop for Mustangs and Challengers before I set up my mind for a Camaro. Funny thing is I did get to know quite a few Camaro owners after I got mine, and they all have a open mind to appreciate other cars like I do. Maybe that is something we Camaro owners can take pride ourselves of?
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