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Old 03-12-2007, 08:53 PM   #38
DC1_01's Avatar
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Originally Posted by official_style View Post
this was one of the reasons i bought the mustang. i do prefer gm, they have a much better product line, and i looked at the gto, but it just didnt do it for me like the mustang did.

The little shit, twinkled toed, half assed, communist ********ers who come up with the biggest let down (I am talking about the newer GTO).

I know they are a division of GM, I know that its all one big happy family, but I am telling you all! Someone in that part of the family is doing their damnedest to sink the company single handedly though crappy designs and ideas !!!!

I have allways loved F-body's and my fav has allways been the Trans Am. I am dumbfounded as to how we can go from something so cool looking to the "Newer GTO" or the that other turd they just came out with last year that I refuse to try and spell.

THANK GOD some form of the F-body is making a return "and forgive me for saying this tentively sexist statement ladies, cause I would love for a woman to have the new Camaro", but I am also equaly as thankfull that it has more of a bad ass "masculine" look to it than the Mustang.

( The Mustang looks like its more of a chick car to me than the Camaro or Charger concepts, forgive me)

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