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Old 10-24-2014, 02:57 PM   #1
Agent 31
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Drives: 2014 Camaro 2LT/RS Ashen Grey
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 67
Smoking in your Camaro

I have seen quite a few smokers on here that are dead against smoking in their Camaro. My guess is in fear of devaluing the resale value later on. Whatever the reason, I decided to post what I do personally to smoke in my Camaro and keep it smoke free.

People who know me, know I smoke in my car, yet whenever they get in, they ask me "You still smoke in here? It smells so good in here."
Here are the precautionary steps I take to ensure there is no evidence of smoking in my car.

1. Get an ashtray with a cover. The GM smokers package is what I use and fits perfectly in the cup holder.
2. Turn off A/C
3. Turn on the "recirculation button". This important step keeps air from moving through your A/C system while being off. Also keeps air from coming out the vents which may blow ashes all over.
4. Crack the driver side window about 1/3 the way down. Leave the passenger side window all the way up. (Too much air circulation will blow ash everywhere. Just a little creates the vacuum that forces the smoke out)
5. Drive & Enjoy your favorite smoke while constantly ashing it in the ash tray. I hold my smoke in the ash tray between puffs to ensure any ash that falls, goes in the ash tray.
6. Never. Never! Ash out the window. Doing this will NOT make the ash go outside. Instead it makes the ash go inside your back seat area and after a while will finely coat your back seats with ash and soot.
7. When done, depending on your choice of smoke, put out the butt in the ashtray and close the lid.
8. Immediately roll both the windows all the way down to air out the car for at least 5 min.
9. Empty out the ashtray when you get to a trash can (no littering!) Keeping butts in your car is a sure fire way to get it smelling like a smokers car. Remove those butts every time you leave your car.

A few more things I do to keep the smell out is using one of those round charcoal pet air fresheners (under the seat type air fresheners from Walmart. $4 and it keeps the car smelling good for months

I also wipe down my console and dash every couple days to catch any ash that may have gotten on it (which isn't a lot). I also clean out my ashtray with a damp paper towel everyday.

So far it has been working very very well. I smoke in it everyday and even my mom (who HATES smoke) can't even tell.

Good Luck fellow smokers
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