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Old 12-03-2013, 09:38 PM   #3
by Odeon
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Originally Posted by killascrimp View Post
ok what should I do? The dealer that I bought my NRB 2lt made me come at night, I tried to come in the day but, he told me that there was a buyer coming to pick it up in the morning the next day. The next day I noticed, I had some paint issues and I also had a dime sized circle where the vent was that had no paint. I got the hood touched up but the orange peel is killing me, if you look at the passenger door its wavy and almost rippled. Have some spots on the panels, and now strangers are starting to point them out, my vin is 1077 and I understand that QC at BC has gotten better, How should I handle this because my local dealer didn't sell me the car and I don't want to come off as a bitchy customer...... also what's all involved in the fix? wet sanding?
Well, the wavy door is more than likely due to the fact that they are of composite construction, at least the outer skin is. That can cause that "wavy" effect if it was a poor molding.

Now, there's no such thing as "bitchy" customer unless you get all loud and disrespectful. You have legitimate issues that you want sorted out, so just approach your local dealer with your concerns as calmly and cool-headed as possible. Any and all chevy dealers must honor your warranty, regardless of where you bought it. So, get in touch with your local dealer. If your local dealer refuses for whatever reason, contact the GM district manager for your area.

As far as what will be involved in the fix, it all depends on the severity of the defects. If you're lucky, you might even get the entire car re-skinned like a member of corvetteforum. Good luck.

As a side note. You should NEVER take delivery of a brand new car at night. Or, if a night time delivery is your only option, demand that they pull the car into the dealer garage so that you can closely inspect the car under some decent lighting.
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