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Old 10-22-2013, 07:33 AM   #1
DJ-Silver 2SS
Ah DJ-IOM ZL1 haha
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Drives: 13 IOM ZL1 M6 & 10 SIM 2SS M6
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Hope Mills, NC
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Angry Was about to lay a guy out......

So I know that many of us deal with this on a regular basis. We all love our cars and believe they are special. We treat our cars like members of our family and take care of them. I know others have posted about parking lots, but I wanted to give a story.....

So about a month ago, I dropped a buddy of mine at the Atlanta airport and decided since I was in Atlanta with my ZL1, I'd stop by and see the guys at Vengeance Racing. (Kevin and the guys there have an awesome shop and they are awesome people, just my little plug). By the time I finished up there, I was a bit hungry and wanted to eat before my trip back to Augusta. I stopped at a local fast food store, then conducted my normal scan of the area to find a parking spot not to far away, but far enough and empty enough to keep my car from stupid people. I found a spot with 5 spaces on either side, so I parked.....

I didn't walk but about 20 feet from my car and I watch this "guy" pull up in his old and busted mid 90s ranger.... Of all the choices he had to park, he decided to park right next to my ZL1. It wouldn't have bothered me too much as he pulled in the the drivers side away from my car..... But..... He didn't just pull into the parking spot, he parked half in one spot and half in the spot with my car!!!!!! AND I WATCHED HIM DO IT!!!!!

So before I got too pissed, I calmly turned around and walked back to the vehicles. Amazingly I was fairly calm, and asked him why he had to park right in top on my car in my parking space. His first words to me "don't give me attitude.." Ok that set me off. Ok so I am a 35 year old man that looks like I'm in my twenties, he was a man probably in his forties, and I kind of get he thought I was just another young punk, but that shouldn't matter. None the less, me and my military thinking stepped up and confronted his stupidity. I then asked him why he felt the need to park on top of my car when there are many other closer spaces to the restaurant. He then said don't give him attitude. Grrrrrr. I simply stated to him that if he doesn't get his piece of $@&! out of the space my $60k car is currently in, we were going to have major problems.

Finally he was like "fine, I'll move it". My last statement to him was pay attention to what's around you. Some people actually care about there property, as I proceeded in to chicken and fries......
2013 IOM ZL1 #002415 Born 09/13/12
2010 SIM 2SS/RS #005549 Born 05/02/09
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