Thread: Sister Car...
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Old 08-11-2006, 01:20 PM   #9
KILLER74Z28's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TAG UR IT
Depending on where ur from, racing (exhibition of acceleration) ranges in a minimal class c (traffic ticket) to a class b (jail time). It's a class b here in Texas. Spin ur tires and risk going to jail. This is why I only goof off at the track, period. That would be funny to see a patrol officer taking a run down the back road. However, I doubt he would ever risk his job in doing so.
Man that sucks for you. Here in MI it’s not that bad. I live in a small town, we have 4 stop lights and lots of country roads. If we mess around it usually on the back roads where the only person that going to get hurt is the moron driving. As for running um, I only do that at the track. When I lived in Detroit it was insane. Everyone wants to run you on the busiest streets, man it was friggen crazy…
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