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Old 11-04-2008, 07:00 AM   #1
Drives: 98 Camaro
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Grand Blanc MI
Posts: 38
Rally Stripes and mail slots???

This is JohnnyCamaro AKA John Cox from Chevy Accessories and GMPP. I apologize I havent been on this site in quite some time. I see there has been a lot going on regarding the stripes and how far they come down. At Chevy Accessories all we are doing is taking the factory stripes and offering those stripes in different colors. We did not change the design because it would have been more money to do so. Therefore, I truly have never seen these stripes but rather I have seen the same images that all of you have seen. I apologize for not having been around, but whether they go to the mailslot or not is not something I have influence over. Our goal at Chevy Accessories is to offer people the ability to personalize their vehicle and by offering many unique colors I feel we have accomplished that mission with the many stripe offerings. I hope you all choose to purchase GMPP and Chevy Accessories for your vehicle and I encourage you to create "your" Camaro.

By the way, what does everyone think of the SEMA vehicles? What is everyones favorite one?
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