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Old 05-06-2021, 03:49 PM   #370
Petrol Head
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Originally Posted by Number 3 View Post
Definitely not Bob. But Lee was also a great innovator of product. Mary's forte is driving the business and keeping it profitable. And she is, despite the hate I read, doing great at that. Too many people think a good CEO is like Jobs or Musk hugely invested in every decision. But Cook has done great for Apple post Jobs and he isn't the innovator/creator.
Cook can thank the billions of people around the world who like lemmings will buy a new iPhone every time they sneeze, even though there hasn’t been anything remotely innovative since Jobs died.

GM isn’t that lucky. They are still paying for the sins of the Olds 350 Diesel and HT4100 (which oh by the way, Mary Marra was in quality control for the HT4100 engines as a youngster engineer when they were in final development yet she’s the CEO now. As a wise man once said: huh?).

People do not and will not buy GM products like lemmings. At least not any more. I love my Camaro and came back to GM after 20 years in Hondas specifically for the Camaro. I’m frankly and quite honestly the customer who’s ass any GM employee should be kissing right now because I swore the company off forever in 1999 after my horrible experience with my 1990 Beretta GT (paint primer down your windshield when it rained was so much fun).

But if you don’t build what I want you simply lose me again, capisce?
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