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Old 11-01-2020, 07:09 PM   #16
rocknroll_jeph's Avatar
Drives: 11 Camaro V6 RS, 03 BMW Z4
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Beijing & Michigan
Posts: 486
This post hits close to home. Even though I still feel young overall I have had bad back pain for almost a year and I just ignored it thinking that I could tough it out. I assumed that I was in pretty good shape physically, but was getting to the point when it was difficult to get out of a chair or bed and the pain in my back was like a constant burning ember. I don't take medication for pain (I don't want to put any kind of drugs in my body) so I just dealt with it.

My girlfriend insisted that I see a doctor. I had not been to a doctor in well over 15 years prior to that. In September I had some x-rays taken and then an MRI which showed a badly ruptured disc as well as inflammation on the spine. The doctor recommended I see a physical therapist.

The therapist made some observations on my posture and muscle development and helped me to correct my posture while sitting and walking as well as teaching me some exercises to improve and strengthen my core muscles.

By paying attention to how I walk, not crossing my legs when I sit and about 10 minutes of evening exercises the pain went away in just a few weeks. Now I feel better than ever and I have in years and didn't take any form of medication or surgery. I'm not saying that this is right for everyone, but it worked for me, I just wish I had learned about this even earlier.
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