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Old 07-21-2020, 02:42 PM   #10

cellsafemode's Avatar
Drives: 2016 Camaro 1LT
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: California
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If you think the camaro is not going to be a cuv in the not too distant future, then you're the same kind of stupid that the people at chevy are for just giving Ford more money.

The public only wants SUV's, CUV's and trucks. When you dont give them what they want, they buy it from your competitor. They dont get convinced that cars are better after deciding that cars are inferior.

It's almost as stupid as cancelling your only competitor to the majority of mustang sales for about a decade and then getting back into that market while it's continuing a contraction that had been going on since the 2000's.

We'll all be driving electric suv's and cuv's until the auto-driving gets good enough to just get us out of the drivers seat altogether. The public doesn't want to drive and the enthusiasts who do dont fit in a world where the roads are crowded and cars are too expensive.

and the wheels... well, larger diameter wheels are less efficient than smaller ones and vastly more expensive to keep rubber on. And if you got 4 to share the torque ... you dont need huge fat ones either, plus you have a low center of gravity that keeps you from trying to roll on turns so you need less width for lateral traction too.

I dont think for a second chevy wouldn't do exactly what ford is doing.. . just later and worse even if they deliver a better product. It fits for them. My only hope is that it retains some aspect of the camaro as a middle finger to buyers only having 2 doors, or the belt line goes even higher so the window view is the same height as the current camaro, or the rear storage area is big but the rear hatch only opens as a small door rather than the whole rear. Throw a bunch of angles on the grill for no reason so nobody gets the idea that it's feminine in any way despite it being a purely domestic-purpose car. Bonus if they give it some fake v8 exhaust noise that sounds better than the real v8's do in the current camaro both externally and internally.
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