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Old 06-11-2020, 09:33 PM   #12

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Drives: 2020 SS 1LE (previous: 2017 SS 1LE)
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Well Sam's theory is either a brake line busted, or master cylinder failed. Those would be two easiest (and logical) theories anyway. But, who knows, there might be other causes as well depending on to what extend electronics can play a role (if they do).

I think there was at least one other case of pedal to the floor reported in the old thread. Some offeres a sticky vacuum valve as a potential cause. But frankly this is completely over my head. Given early failures were reported going back to 2016 cars, if it was a systemic issue GM would have surely fixed it by now.

An interesting aspect of Sam's accident was that a wheel came off ripping a brake line with it. That's highly unusual imo. It would be interesting to know if it was a stock wheel or not. He appeared to have been testing different tires on different rims. It would also be interesting to know what else came off with the wheel and whether the latter was in one piece, or not. And obviously when did it come off. Lots of possible dots to connect here.

Bottom line, i am glad he is fine. Testament of Camaros safety for damn sure. But also a troubling issue not really knowing for sure what happened and why.
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