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Old 11-26-2018, 12:31 AM   #4
DGthe3's Avatar
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The writing has been on the wall for years. GM announces that its killing off nearly every model built there and there is nothing said about anything else going into the plant. Gee ... I wonder what'll happen to the plant?

The big picture is that Canada is likely to follow Australia in ceasing automobile production. We'll be fine for at least a decade. Maybe even two. But at this rate, I doubt we'll be making cars here in the 2040s. For every new product announcement, it seems like there are two for product lines getting cancelled. Sometimes that closes a plant, sometimes it 'only' means hundreds of layoffs. Of course, those now under-utilized plants cost a lot more to operate so they then shoot up the list for the next round of plant closures. And with fewer product lines, it makes less sense for a supplier to base themselves nearby. So they pull out too. That, in turn, has a tendency to drive up costs in the remaining assembly plants -since parts need to come from farther. Its a downward spiral that requires a massive change to break. I thought that our slightly weak dollar would be enough to at least staunch the bleeding, but that clearly isn't even enough.

I'd say more, but we are a no politics site.
Note, if I've gotten any facts wrong in the above, just ignore any points I made with them
Originally Posted by FbodFather
My sister's dentist's brother's cousin's housekeeper's dog-breeder's nephew sells coffee filters to the company that provides coffee to General Motors......
........and HE WOULD KNOW!!!!

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