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efarley 07-12-2014 04:17 PM

Question for those who leased their vette.

I am planning to lease my corvette when I order later this year and I've never leased a car before so I have some questions that I think you guys with some experience with the lease process can answer.

First I'm curious if I have to get the lease through GM or if I can shop around for my own lender like with a loan.

Also is the Money Factor (Interest) a fixed rate for everyone based on the model of car and the lender, or is it based on your credit score? I had always assumed it was based on credit score like a interest rate for a loan, but the dealer told me he could tell me what the money factor was without getting my information for a credit check. Unfortunately he never got back to me and I'm waiting until I'm ready to buy before I reach out for the current money factor at that time. If it's however a fixed rate then what was the rate when you leased your vette?

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