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He11bent 03-03-2013 08:17 AM

Cool Cop in Savannah
So I am cruising along in one of those neighborhoods with an extremely low speed limit (25 & 30 MPH). The road cuts half way across town so there is a steady stream of traffic and everyone know the cops are in there to keep the speed down. I am usually a cruise control kind of driver but, I was talking to my wife and was didnt set it.

We all speed at some point, but I am usually a 5 MPH kind of guy. I have an Escort 9500xi, I keep the RD on because it evens the playing field. LEOs use radar to keep tabs on me and they typically drive around with the radar on so I can keep tabs on them. Besides, I am not into adding money into the coffers of every small town in the south with a speed trap (and that is not stereotyping; there are a LOT of them).

I see this LEO pull up to the main road from a side street and he has his lights on. My Escort 9500xi is quiet so I am looking at him like "what is he doing?" so I look at my speed and Im going mid 30's (37 mph when I look down)...yeah he is coming for me. I pull over and he asks that I move up to the next side street.

Sits back there and runs the tag and then comes up. Asks if I know the speed limit and I tell him yeah, its 30 MPH. This is when I am clarified that there are sections of 25 MPH (I was just in) and school zone with increased fines (which I thankfully was not in) and that he clocked me at 38 MPH. He asked for my license and said if everything comes back good he would just give me a warning. I am pretty excited to hear this since I have never had a warning in my life, just the ticket. :whoo:

I ask him how he clocked me and he said with radar. I told him I had a detector and that it didnt go off (wife looks at me like I am a tard). He ducks down to see it mounted up under the rearview mirror. He said it was just a quick on/off. I said well it should still pick it up. He said well I hit you two more times when I pulled out behind you. Yep, it should have gone off. :confused:

He comes back with a warning and tells me to go up the street and come back down and he will hit me again to see if the RD goes off. So I go up a bit turn around and come back down with the cruise on this time. Silence. He said asks "anything?"
"I hit you (3) times, exactly 25 MPH each time"
"well at least my speedometer is accurate; thanks for everything"
"Id take that thing back; be safe"

SO a very cool cop, and a $hitty $500 radar detector (11 months old)!

I turned off & restarted the unit as I drove away and drove around a few more hours. It went off 2-3 times during the day. I called Escort a short time later and raised the roof! The guy asks if I have a piece of paper to write some info down on. I tell him yeah, luckily i have this ^&*$@# speeding ticket handy that his radar detector got me! They asked me to send it in and they will run all the operational tests and hot & cold testing repair and send it back. I expect a $500 piece of equipment to work EVERY TIME!

Sorry for the rant but I am a bit pi$$ed off. Anyone else have a similar story?

biggerisbetter 03-03-2013 08:49 AM


Frid 03-03-2013 10:14 AM

Warning ftw.

fbodyauto 03-03-2013 10:26 AM

Wow... I had a valentine 1 (couple years old) and it would screw up on me. I would be on the highway and see an FHP out of his car with his radar gun pointed towards me and nothing out of the detector... After having that happen a couple of times I sold that thing on ebay. I currently am without one, just pointless having something that works when it wants...

Jayrcr3 03-03-2013 11:06 AM

After getting a couple of tickets with a radar detector, I decided they weren't worth it. I try not to speed in town, and here in Illinois you can usually see a couple miles down the road when on the interstate. My last ticked was issued after I was clocked from an aircraft. A radar detector wouldn't have saved me on that one anyway.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

myold88 03-03-2013 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jayrcr3 (Post 6239417)
After getting a couple of tickets with a radar detector, I decided they weren't worth it. I try not to speed in town, and here in Illinois you can usually see a couple miles down the road when on the interstate. My last ticked was issued after I was clocked from an aircraft. A radar detector wouldn't have saved me on that one anyway.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

No aircraft here either but it won't save you when a cruiser comes up behind you, and does a speed check from his speedometer. UNMARKED TINTED State cops here, cruise down the interstates in the center lane @ 10 over-
pass one and your toast.
Why not just leave ten minutes earlier ? :iono:

jd10013 03-03-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by myold88 (Post 6239455)
No aircraft here either but it won't save you when a cruiser comes up behind you, and does a speed check from his speedometer. UNMARKED TINTED State cops here, cruise down the interstates in the center lane @ 10 over-
pass one and your toast.
Why not just leave ten minutes earlier ? :iono:

it also won't save you when they're using LIDAR, or wait till they see you to hit you with a regular radar. they don't have to leave them on anymore, they can just put them in standby and flip a switch when they want to clock you. you don't get any time to slow down.

bowtiefamily 03-03-2013 11:25 AM

RD's are like that warm fuzzy feeling that usually bites in the a$$ later. All radar units used now have an instant on an lock. So by the time your RD goes off its to late. If the Police in your area are just leaving it on then they are putting out a warning to people with the RD's and catching the ones that don't. There are two ways to help not get tickets. 1. Don't speed. 2. If you can't beat them then join them.
LEO's have a hard job because I am sure that the people in that neighborhood are complaining that people are speeding. Then when the pull people over they are that bad guy.

Valkyrja 03-03-2013 11:35 AM

That is a pretty cool cop. LEOs I have known would automatically issue a ticket for anyone with a radar detector.

And yes, there are a lot of speed traps in the South. Near where I live a small town routinely pushes its 35mph signs out further and further every year so you go from 55 to 35 in a heartbeat. It may be the main way they generate revenue. :D

PeeBee 03-03-2013 11:38 AM

If that would have happened here, you'd have said goodbye to the car (radar detectors are forbidden) :-)

RPI Designs 03-03-2013 11:46 AM

That's pretty cool of him.

big dawg 03-03-2013 01:07 PM

your radar detector was probaby made in China with reused / pirated parts ... ain't America a great country - the land of planned obsolesence !!!

stray bullitt 03-03-2013 01:36 PM

You were pretty lucky there, getting a good cop. The $500 you spent on a detector would pay for a lot of fines, by my way of thinking. Although over here we also get 3 points on our licence for speeding, and after you've accrued 12, you're on Shanks' pony for a year. Do you guys get points also?

VASCAR2 03-03-2013 03:40 PM

I stopped a car one time for speeding on an Interstate and as I walk up to the car the driver throws a Radar Detector out the window where it bust into a lot of small pieces. I asked the driver what's up with littering in front of me. He is obviously very upset and said that POS Radar Detector didn't work, he just recently got 2 other speeding tickets. I didn't have the heart to tell him I clocked him with VASCAR and the Radar detector couldn't help him.

Seeing how he was running over 25 over he got his 3rd.

Life just sucks some times and learning lessons is usually not fun.

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